Who is the winner?
Technology strikes again! To enter the contest for the new Celebrate Sunflowers Bundle, you were asked to subscribe to Stamp with Gloria on YouTube. I planned to select a winner from those who subscribed. Eleven of you subscribed – that is FANTASTIC! Here’s the thing – when you subscribe on YouTube, you can also ask them not to share your name. There was only one subscriber who shared her name – my daughter Rachel – and she doesn’t qualify as a family member. The other ten subscribed but, according to YouTube, didn’t opt to share their name. So, if you subscribed, please allow me to ‘see’ who you are between today and Friday, June 12. I’ll put those names in the drawing and we’ll pick a winner. So, two ways to win: 1) Allow me to see your subscription or 2) Subscribe and make sure I’m allowed to see you. Does that make sense? Good luck, all!